Guide to Remote Car Key Starting

Remote starting is a feature on many high end vehicles that will likely soon become common offerings on all standard vehicles – just in the same way that most vehicles today come complete with remote unlocking and locking key fobs. Remote starting takes advantage of smartphone technology to start their car from a distance, warming it up before you enter it. The expert vehicle locksmith technicians at Top Locksmith have prepared a brief guide to some of the operational and security factors of remote car starting keys so you can better understand this technology.

Range from the Car

You will need to be in a realistic distance from your car to start it remotely – usually between 500 and 5000 feet. This is still a pretty amazing distance – nearly a mile!! – so there will be no problems starting your car remotely from inside your home, but you should ensure that your garage does not cause interference that can block the remote starting feature.

Fuel Consumption

Remote car functionality doesn’t increase gas consumption in essence – but as logic stands, it will drain your fuel if you have your car turned on and running and just sitting there for a long time before you use it. However, if you’re simply turning on your car to warm it up before you start driving, it might actually make your car more fuel efficient, as it gives your engine time to warm up; engines that are made to operate quickly without time to warm up drain slightly more gas than those that have been given that warm up time.

Automobile Warranties

Adding a remote start feature to your car – if it’s handled by automotive technology installation experts – will not void your car’s warranty. In fact, federal law prevents automobile manufacturers from being able to void your car’s warranty due to the installation of aftermarket products. The only installation that voids warranty is the installation of features that have been demonstrated to cause issues for your car – remote start being a feature obviously excluded from that roster.

Car Electrical and Transmission Features

In the past, cars with manual transmission couldn’t have remote start features installed – but this is not the case today. Some people think that remote starting can damage the car’s electrical system, but as long as it’s installed by a licensed automotive professional there will be no issues.

Extra Remote Start Features

Remote start systems can sometimes turn on your car’s defroster or heated seats, as well as a cross-combo of keyless entry features. Look into your remote start options to see if these are possibilities – but keep in mind that even if these features are possibilities for the remote start technology, they will need to programmed to work with your car by a professional in order to operate it. Remote car starting makes driving in cold areas a luxury – as you can make sure your car is warm and toasty before going inside it, maximizing your comfort. It’s one of the best new features available on the market today.