Security Tips for the New Year

Now that it’s officially 2019, many people’s resolutions are underway – and hopefully they will keep to them! As you pay attention to diet, fitness, and home organization, it’s important to keep in mind that this time of year, and all the focus it brings, is a great opportunity to bolster your home security. Here’s a guide to some fantastic New Year home security resolutions, as prepared by the residential security experts here at Top Locksmith.

Always set your alarms

Whether your alarm system is effective or useless really depends on how you actively  monitor and control it. Make sure to keep your alarm activated every time you leave your home, even for just a quick trip to the store. Consider getting an alarm system that you can conveniently arm and disarm from your phone – it will help encourage you to be more vigilant about it.

Check that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are properly working

Make sure to test each detector with the built-in test button, and if they don’t work, see if replacing their batteries will work. If this still doesn’t work, buy new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Update your security system

Make sure to bolster your home security system. Find any potential holes in it, and fill it. We recommend installing a series of smart security cameras that are attached to WiFi or Bluetooth that allow you to monitor your home security from a distance no matter where you are.

Smart Keys

Get a smart home lock system that replaces all standard door locks with electronic locks. This eliminates the security risks associated with losing physical keys, and allows you to program specific time-sensitive keys to allow housekeepers or any visitors in at designated times.

Don’t make yourself vulnerable through social media

Make sure not to share information about when you will be away, going on vacation, or are away from the house (in that very moment.) This includes photos and videos. You don’t want to have videos of the inside of your home as well that broadcast the location of expensive items or valuables. Lastly, make sure that your social media feed can only be viewed by designated followers, and not strangers.